Tuesday, November 12, 2013


So as a social worker, wow it still hasn't sunk it I have a degree yet, and a graduate student, I have been learning how much power these two little words have.  Self-care in a nut shell is taking the time to take care of yourself.  Although it is used a lot in helping professions it also is so important everyone to take care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I always thought that it meant you had to have a hobby you enjoyed or take relaxing trips.  Oh how quickly I have learned differently!  Self-care can be as simple as taking a shower or for me, starting to write on here more.     I look at it this way, we are like cars.  When we have a full tank of gas we can go where we need to, but when our gas runs out we are stuck.  We are the cars and self-care is our gas.  Everyday we work and give to others we are using gas.  After awhile there is just no more left to give and we burnout.  By taking time for ourselves by doing something we love we will never run out and be able to continue giving to those around us.  Ok, so my self-care is reading, watching movies, and laying in bed all day.  Not very exciting, but very helpful when I feel like I just can not go to another Research class without having a nervous breakdown.  So lovelies what do y'all to do to take care of yourselves?  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Something Wicked This Way Comes...

    So, being a graduate student has been throwing so many kinks in my already less than exciting life.  I have been unable to visit any "haunted" places, which is a yearly tradition, due to a big project I'm working on, and I wasn't able to have my Halloween party due to having class till 10pm on Halloween.  Needless to say I was sad.  Halloween has always been one of my favorite "holidays".  You get to dress up and be someone you're not for a night.  I guess Cinderella really played with my head as a child!  Anyways,  my friend stole me away last Saturday and took me to see my favorite movie of all time... Rocky Horror Picture Show.  I know it's cheesy, but how could I not like it?  There are aliens, men in drag,  and of course singing.  It's a trifecta of awesomeness.  I had a blast there was singing and dancing.  We threw toilet paper.  Fun was had by all that attended!  Also, since I had class Halloween night and was unable to "dress up" I decided to turn up the nerd a bit and were my Star Wars Boba Fett inspired dress by Her Universe.  They brand does such a great job of giving girls other options besides t-shirts to show there love for certain fandoms.  So lovelies,  did any of y'all do anything amazing this Halloween?
Yes, I decided to dress up as Columbia!
Me and the Best Friend
Thanks Newman and Webb law firm...


Excuse my messy counter.