Sunday, November 3, 2013

Something Wicked This Way Comes...

    So, being a graduate student has been throwing so many kinks in my already less than exciting life.  I have been unable to visit any "haunted" places, which is a yearly tradition, due to a big project I'm working on, and I wasn't able to have my Halloween party due to having class till 10pm on Halloween.  Needless to say I was sad.  Halloween has always been one of my favorite "holidays".  You get to dress up and be someone you're not for a night.  I guess Cinderella really played with my head as a child!  Anyways,  my friend stole me away last Saturday and took me to see my favorite movie of all time... Rocky Horror Picture Show.  I know it's cheesy, but how could I not like it?  There are aliens, men in drag,  and of course singing.  It's a trifecta of awesomeness.  I had a blast there was singing and dancing.  We threw toilet paper.  Fun was had by all that attended!  Also, since I had class Halloween night and was unable to "dress up" I decided to turn up the nerd a bit and were my Star Wars Boba Fett inspired dress by Her Universe.  They brand does such a great job of giving girls other options besides t-shirts to show there love for certain fandoms.  So lovelies,  did any of y'all do anything amazing this Halloween?
Yes, I decided to dress up as Columbia!
Me and the Best Friend
Thanks Newman and Webb law firm...


Excuse my messy counter.


  1. Hey Jessica,
    I'm a new reader!
    {photography competition going on^^}
